Using the "kaanalyz" program
by Michael Hester
March 03, 2003
The kaanalyz program was apparently originally conceived and
written by Chris Dalton who produced a basic working version,
and was then completely re-written and expanded by Jens Groh.
The concept is simple: to read a Kawai K5000 ".KAA" bank dump
file and create a listing of the patches that the bank contains.
Also to report on how much memory is in use within that bank.
Additionally, the program has the capability to "split" a bank
dump into individual ".KA1" patch files---just like the "KAAtoKA1"
Why use it?
Most importantly, in a word: memory management (Okay, that's two words).
The program is extremely useful in showing how many additive ("A")
and/or PCM sources ("P") make up the patches stored in the memory bank,
and how many bytes of memory each patch occupies. There is quite
a difference between the smallest size patch (254 bytes) versus
the largest (5434); almost twenty-one times larger!
By being able to see which patches in your memory banks are the
"greedy" ones---using up a lot of memory, you can scrutinize them
carefully. Any big patches that you don't like---and think that you
will probably never use---can be archived onto disk and then deleted;
freeing up a lot of space for storing other patches.
Ease of Auditioning: The printed listings are an almost indispensable
tool for auditioning new patches without getting the dreaded
"out of memory" error.
Documentation of bank dump files on floppies: The listings provide
documentation of what patches are in a bank dump file. Sounds obvious;
but very handy if you are frequently shuffling banks in and out of memory
on the K5000. Just keep the listings with the floppy diskettes, and
come up with a good naming system of your own for your bank dump files.
Searching out examples to learn from: The listings by type of sources or
by number of sources can help you when working with on-screen computer
editors to select patches to learn from and modify.
Splitting banks apart: A very useful feature is to be able to split a
bank dump into it's individual patches so that you can load only the
ones you are interested in. (Note that the "KA1TOKAA" program written by
Yasuhiro Iwamoto allows you to "assemble" a new bank file (".KAA") from
a group of ".KA1" patch files.)
The kaanalyz program has six options for printing listings, of which
I primarily use two: list patches by patch number, and list patches by size.
A remark by the author of the program, Jens Groh:
No warranty - use the software at your own risk!
Downloading the zip file:
When you download the file and unzip it, it should create two
sub-directories named: "1.0" and "1.1".
The "1.0" subdirectory contains the "C" source code and executable program
for Unix/Linux systems. Within it will be "kaanalyz.c"---the source code,
and "kaanalyz"---the executable binary program.
The "1.1" directory will contain the "C" source code "KAANALYZ.C",
and the executable "KAANALYZ.EXE" for Windows/DOS systems.
Also a KAANALYZ.BAT file which seems to have to do with running
the program on DOS systems. The one from Jens looks like it moves into a
program directory and runs the program for him specifying certain options.
You will have to modify this to meet your own needs.
Note that the source code is essentially identical, er, well, almost,
1.1 has an additional feature: looks like it can "convert" a bank file
so that it creates a new bank file; use an "A" bank file to create a new
"D" bank file for example. This is a guess based on what I have seen
inside the version 1.1 source code. But either one can be made
to compile and run on Unix or DOS by changing just a few of the
commented-out lines of code.
How to use it:
Once you have unzipped the zip file onto your computer and decided
either to use the existing executable program, or have compiled and
linked your own executable from the "C" source code:
On your K5000 synth, create the bank dump(s) that you wish to examine;
i.e., do a dump "ALL" of a bank from the disk menu.
For this example I dumped my "A" bank to a file I named: "my_abank.KAA".
Remove the floppy from the synth and put it into the computer.
I usually move the bank dump file into the same directory where I have
the executable kaanalyz program. Bank dump files are *always* 134660 bytes
in size, anything else is incorrect.
Here's the syntax for running the program (version 1.0, version 1.1 has
two more optional switches...):
kaanalyz -i<infile> [-e<outpath>] [-l{p|a|n|s|c|t}]
Parameters: (in any order, lower or upper case)
-i<infile> : <K5000 bank (.KAA) file name>
-e<outpath> : extract .KA1 files <destination path name>
-lp : list patches ordered by number
-la : list patches ordered by address
-ln : list patches ordered by name
-ls : list patches ordered by size
-lc : list patches ordered by number of sources
-lt : list patches ordered by type of sources
Simple isn't it? Well, maybe not for those of us who aren't programmers.
Here's what it means.
The program has three "switches": "-i" which is required;
and "-e" and "-l" which are optional. The square brackets indicate
optional parameters. The words within angle brackets mean that you
put a filename or pathname there; "<infile>" is the name of your
input file which is the bank dump, and "<outpath>" can be a directory path
of where you want the program to write all of the ".KA1" patch files
it creates if you have specified the "-e" switch. Note that you are not
supposed to enter the angle brackets "<>" themselves; this is just
programmer notation. I use an angle bracket ">" below, but this is
something different. Though the parameters (switches) can be in any
order and can be either upper or lowercase, I use lowercase and I put
the "-lp" or whatever in the middle to remind me which type of listing
I am creating.
So, to produce a basic listing by patch number(I'm showing Unix/Linux syntax):
kaanalyz -imy_abank.KAA -lp >my_abank_by_number.txt
Note that the ">my_abank_by_number.txt" is "redirecting" the output of the
program into a new text file. The greater than sign (>) is a Unix symbol
meaning: "redirect". Looks like Jens is doing something similar with the
">%1.txt" in his KAANALYZ.BAT file example. If you don't redirect the
program output, the listing just "spews" onto your computer screen.
Harmless, but not as useful as having something that you can print and keep.
Note that there was no space between the "-i" switch and the input filename.
I am assuming that your input filename resides within the same directory
as the program, if not, then you would need to put a complete pathname there
pointing to the input file.
To produce a listing by patch size:
kaanalyz -imy_bank.KAA -ls >my_abank_by_size.txt
Here is an example of a patch listing by patch number:
"FacABnk3.KAA" contains 60 patches using 124868 bytes (95.27% of memory).
Base address = 0x003535C8. Patches:
number name sources size padding
1 Sphaera AAPP-- 2038 0
2 RockPad AP---- 1060 0
3 StageMKI AAA--- 2758 0
4 Valves AA---- 1866 0
5 Bronx AAP--- 1952 2
6 RaVa PPPP-- 426 0
7 Oszilla AAAA-- 3650 0
8 InTraxx AAAAPP 3822 0
9 BigTime3 AAAP-- 2844 0
10 FASTSTRG AAA--- 2758 0
11 Rotator AP---- 1060 0
12 Africa APP--- 1146 0
13 DynoSaur AAA--- 2758 0
14 GosplOrg AAA--- 2758 0
15 Rezonato PP---- 254 0
16 TB5005 AA---- 1866 0
17 Taurus AAP--- 1952 0
18 Gorgizmo AAPP-- 2038 0
19 OB_Hornz APP--- 1146 0
20 Junova AAP--- 1952 2
21 Hormonic AAPP-- 2038 0
22 Creaturz AAAP-- 2844 0
23 FM-PIANO AAA--- 2758 0
24 SmthWssn APPP-- 1232 0
25 RaveRizm AA---- 1866 2
26 505_Hard AAPPPP 2210 0
27 OB@5000 PAA--- 1952 0
28 @IsCream AA---- 1866 0
29 PlayWtMe AAP--- 1952 0
30 DreamMch AAP--- 1952 0
31 Polecat AAPP-- 2038 0
32 Heaven AAP--- 1952 0
33 Engage AA---- 1866 0
34 Milleniu AAPP-- 2038 0
35 UltraSub PPA--- 1146 0
36 Houzeton AAP--- 1952 0
37 Screamer AAAAAA 5434 0
38 Wavelab AAAP-- 2844 0
39 The_OB! AAA--- 2758 0
40 PhazStrg AP---- 1060 0
41 K-Bells AA---- 1866 0
42 ClassPad AAA--- 2758 0
43 Melmaker AAA--- 2758 0
44 @Vocodor AP---- 1060 0
45 Pound AAP--- 1952 2
46 PolyMorf PPPPP- 512 0
47 IronHead AAP--- 1952 0
48 SynCity AAAAAA 5434 0
49 Protonic PAA--- 1952 0
50 Warmer AA---- 1866 0
51 Metaloid AAP--- 1952 0
52 Clavaxx AA---- 1866 0
53 @Clustaz AAP--- 1952 0
54 VooCoo AA---- 1866 0
55 Slpstick AAP--- 1952 0
56 Tinnitus AAPP-- 2038 0
57 LeadGtar AAAA-- 3650 0
58 TeknoBas AP---- 1060 0
59 MarsMoby PAA--- 1952 0
60 AnlogKit PPPPPP 598 2
Here is an example of a patch listing by patch size:
"FacABnk3.KAA" contains 60 patches using 124868 bytes (95.27% of memory).
Base address = 0x003535C8. Patches:
number name sources size padding
15 Rezonato PP---- 254 0
6 RaVa PPPP-- 426 0
46 PolyMorf PPPPP- 512 0
60 AnlogKit PPPPPP 598 2
2 RockPad AP---- 1060 0
40 PhazStrg AP---- 1060 0
44 @Vocodor AP---- 1060 0
58 TeknoBas AP---- 1060 0
11 Rotator AP---- 1060 0
35 UltraSub PPA--- 1146 0
19 OB_Hornz APP--- 1146 0
12 Africa APP--- 1146 0
24 SmthWssn APPP-- 1232 0
52 Clavaxx AA---- 1866 0
4 Valves AA---- 1866 0
16 TB5005 AA---- 1866 0
54 VooCoo AA---- 1866 0
41 K-Bells AA---- 1866 0
50 Warmer AA---- 1866 0
33 Engage AA---- 1866 0
25 RaveRizm AA---- 1866 2
28 @IsCream AA---- 1866 0
51 Metaloid AAP--- 1952 0
17 Taurus AAP--- 1952 0
20 Junova AAP--- 1952 2
53 @Clustaz AAP--- 1952 0
27 OB@5000 PAA--- 1952 0
30 DreamMch AAP--- 1952 0
49 Protonic PAA--- 1952 0
5 Bronx AAP--- 1952 2
47 IronHead AAP--- 1952 0
32 Heaven AAP--- 1952 0
29 PlayWtMe AAP--- 1952 0
36 Houzeton AAP--- 1952 0
55 Slpstick AAP--- 1952 0
59 MarsMoby PAA--- 1952 0
45 Pound AAP--- 1952 2
34 Milleniu AAPP-- 2038 0
18 Gorgizmo AAPP-- 2038 0
21 Hormonic AAPP-- 2038 0
31 Polecat AAPP-- 2038 0
1 Sphaera AAPP-- 2038 0
56 Tinnitus AAPP-- 2038 0
26 505_Hard AAPPPP 2210 0
42 ClassPad AAA--- 2758 0
43 Melmaker AAA--- 2758 0
39 The_OB! AAA--- 2758 0
14 GosplOrg AAA--- 2758 0
3 StageMKI AAA--- 2758 0
23 FM-PIANO AAA--- 2758 0
13 DynoSaur AAA--- 2758 0
10 FASTSTRG AAA--- 2758 0
22 Creaturz AAAP-- 2844 0
9 BigTime3 AAAP-- 2844 0
38 Wavelab AAAP-- 2844 0
57 LeadGtar AAAA-- 3650 0
7 Oszilla AAAA-- 3650 0
8 InTraxx AAAAPP 3822 0
37 Screamer AAAAAA 5434 0
48 SynCity AAAAAA 5434 0
To split a bank dump into individual patches (this is a Unix example):
kaanalyz -imy_abank.KAA -e/usr/mike/k5000/abank/indiv_patches
When extracting, you do not need to create a listing.
Using the printouts productively:
I print out the current bank dumps by patch number first, then the listings
arranged by patch size.
I also keep a separate printout of the "valid patch sizes" document page
which shows all of the possible sizes in bytes that a K5000 patch could
be---there are no others. Anything else is not a valid ".KA1" patch.
Note that we are not talking about multi's or arpeggiator files.
I put the listings into plastic page protectors and place them in
a K5000 3-ring binder. I consider the listings by patch number to
be the "master" listings.
When I have a new patch that I want to audition, I "hunt" for a patch
of the same byte size that I may not like very well.
I put the floppy containing the new patches into the disk drive, I
play the "old" patch for a few minutes to establish it in my mind,
then I write that patch onto the floppy in the K5000. (You could
write it onto a floppy of "old" or "removed" patches instead if you
really prefer to keep a separate diskette of "archived" patches.)
Next I select the new patch and "drop" it right on top of the old patch.
Note that once the new patch is written into memory you *must* move the
data wheel "away" from the current patch location and then back again
in order to hear the new patch.
I play with the new patch. If I like the new patch, it stays. I cross
out the old name in pencil and write in the new patch name on my master
listing of patches by number. If I don't like the new patch, I reload
the original "old" patch from the floppy diskette back into the current
patch location and I move on to audition the next patch if any.
Eventually I produce new listings once the banks have changed quite a bit.
So, the patches in my K5000S onstage synth have "earned" their places
by a sort of Darwinian "survival-of-the-fittest" (or should I say:
"survival-of-the-phattest"?). Virtually every patch in all four banks
has won a "contest" against some other patch.
If you are a "C" programmer and improve the program in some way, please
share it so that we can all benefit from your changes.
I hope that this program proves to be as useful to you as it has been to me.
Good luck with it!