The Eat at Joe's Kawai K5000 Message Board Digest
System 4.0
K5000 System 4.0
Saturday, 28-Nov-98 09:45:06 writes:
I found System 4 for the K5000W/S/R along with the System 4 supplemental disk at
the Japanese site.
Has anyone tied sys 4 yet. Is there any documentation available about what the
changes are?
Re: K5000 System 4.0
Saturday, 28-Nov-98 12:53:31 writes:
Thanks, Kelly. I tried downloading and installing the ver. 4.0 opsys file, but when
I press F8 and turn on my K5KR, the screen says "FILE IN? ERR 08h". Anyone got
further than this?
I have tried using a diskette formated by the K5K, downloading directly to this
diskette, etc., but to no avail. Advice solicited.
BTW, does this version from the Japanese site have English text on the screens?
Re: Re: K5000 System 4.0
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 00:46:24 writes:
Just downloaded version 4.0 directly to floppy.
It loaded no problem to my k5kR.
Has anyone yet determined the new features
or bug fixes? Havn't spent much time with it
yet, just wondering if the changes were obvious
to anyone else.
Francis Parsons
System 4.00 Sounds
Saturday, 28-Nov-98 19:16:47 writes:
I am a fairly new user to the k5000s and I LOVE the machine. I just wanted to say
that the presets I heard from version 3.00 american version were pretty good, but
I just downloaded the japanese version 4.00 and the sounds are MUCH
better. I just ordered the wizoo book, so hopefully I'll be making my own sounds
Re: System 4.00 Sounds
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 01:44:04 writes:
I think the new sounds (from the new system installation) are more "headphone-y"
than the V3 sounds. I wouldn't give up those V3 sounds, though! ;-)
Also, I downloaded the Version-4 'Supplemental' disk, and it has aa bunch of other
sounds on it, plus re-cuts of the three demos. (Switch on K5000 with disk in drive
while holding down F1 key). Also, the Phrase Sampler presents these new
sounds (using the same phrases as on V3, it seems) -- with 'Supplemtal' disk in
drive, press and hold down the two up & down 'Section' buttons to the lower left of
the display (on an 'S'). I don't know if they added any more functionality to
those buttons, though.
Version 4 features/fixes?
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 00:50:18 writes:
Anyone yet determined what enhancements/new features/bug fixes are in version 4.0 ?
Havn't spent much time with it yet, just happy that it's here.
A lot have mentioned timing slop with the arpeggiator. anyone tested this yet?
Any info is appreciated.
Francis Parsons
Re: Re: Version 4 features/fixes?
Monday, 30-Nov-98 00:08:43 writes:
for one I think you can use L4 to turn the effects back on [not just turn them off]
Re: Version 4 features/fixes?
Monday, 30-Nov-98 04:56:59 writes:
*** In the Harmonic Envelope Multiview menu, the harmonic select buttons (L3,L4)
now have an auto-repeat function.
*** In Multi edit, you can set the key zones of the sections by holding a button
and playing a note.
( g r o h @ i r t . d e )
Jens Groh
New 'link' patch bank?
Monday, 30-Nov-98 23:47:06 writes:
I noticed another difference. Press the 'Single' bank select button a couple of
times and you enter the 'link' bank. Not sure what it's for but I think you can
re-arrange patches from various banks into one location somehow. Anyone figure
this one out?
Re: New 'link' patch bank?
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 01:33:33 writes:
Yeah, cool!!! That 'Link' function, when activated by pressing the Single button a
couple times, presents a new active button, R2, that turns on and off an 'edit'
mode for the link. In edit mode, you select what sound/patch you want to go
with the displayed link # up top. Turn off edit, and now the patches will sequence
according to the link progressive settings. How very nice!
Re: Re: New 'link' patch bank?
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 05:21:07 writes:
Does this work on the K5000R too? My Single button just flips between A-bank and
D-bank. Or do you press it in some special mode/screen?
System 4.0 and Macintosh
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 14:51:30 writes:
I down loaded the file right to a K5000R formatted disk. When loading got the
FILE IN? ERR 08h message. Has anybody loaded this in who also has a mac.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Re: System 4.0 and Macintosh
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 15:23:33 writes:
I use Win95, but I finally made it work in this way: I put the old system 3.0
diskette in the disk drive and asked for a DISKCOPY to a new diskette. I then
copied K5000SR.SYS from the disk to that new diskette. Since this procedure
does not involve the use of DOS, maybe you can try similar operations on the Mac.
Re: System 4.0 and Macintosh (WORKS!!!)
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 15:32:24 writes:
1) Make a *duplicate* of the system 3.0 disk with shrinkwrap or disk copy.
2)Download DIRECTLY to the disk with Netscape, replacing the old file. (did not
work with Exploder, er, Explorer)
If this disk does not work or the download craps out, start over with a fresh
copy (i.e. at step 1)
This finally worked for me on the 8th or 9th try.
I think the important thing is to make a fresh copy of sys 3.0 each time.
The mac puts a hidden file in exactly the spot that the K%K is looking for the
system. That's why you gotta use a system disk copy and replace the old file.
P.S.-this does NOT work by replacing the file in the Finder. You MUST download
directly to the disk.
Do I make myself clear?!? ;^)
Re: System 4.0 and Macintosh It works
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 20:26:22 writes:
I tried Pablos method above and it worked.
OS Version 4.0 Won't load on my K5000S...
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 19:06:11 writes:
I DL'd ver. 4.0 from the Kawai Japan Website, but cannot get it to load into my
K5000S. I DL'd it directly to a floppy, but no dice, mI keep getting an error
message asking if a file is available ("FILE IN? ERR 08h") Anyone have any
Re: OS Version 4.0 Won't load on my K5000S...
Sunday, 29-Nov-98 22:15:34 writes:
1. download file to HD (haven't tried direct to floppy)
2. format floppy in K5000
3. exit to dos
4. copy file to floppy while in dos
this should solve your problem. good luck!
Re: Re: OS Version 4.0 Won't load on my K5000S...
Monday, 30-Nov-98 03:18:05 writes:
I had the same problem. The copy method doesn't matter - the disk just has to be
formatted using the K5000 instead of
Re: Re: Re: OS Version 4.0 Won't load on my K5000S...
Monday, 30-Nov-98 10:13:15 writes:
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I did some experimenting while waiting for
replies. I tried doing a diskcopy of the original system disk to a blank floppy and
then DLing Ver. 4.0 directly to the diskette using Netscape. That worked! So,
I guess there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Thanks again
Re: Re: Re: OS Version 4.0 Won't load on my K5000S...
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 01:18:03 writes:
"Thanks for the suggestion. However, I did some experimenting while waiting for
replies. I tried doing a diskcopy of the original system disk to a blank floppy
and then DLing Ver. 4.0 directly to the diskette using Netscape. That worked! So, I
guess there is more than one way to skin a cat."
For some reason, simply formatting a diskette in the K5000S and copying off the
hard drive OR downloading to the disk didn't work. Doing as described above did
work, except I didn't have to download to the (System 3) system copy, but
only had to copy the new .sys file over to it, replacing the one existing there.
If any of you don't know where the diskcopy program is (most reliable in DOS
form, supposedly), it should be hanging out in your Windows/Command directory.
Just thought that might be of help.
System 4.0 questions/comments
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 08:43:07 writes:
After installing system 4.0, the first thing I noticed was how weak the new
presets were. The ones on system 3.0 were a lot better--I loaded my old A and D
banks back up almost immediately.
The other thing I noticed is that sometimes I get a blanking out of patch names
in some of the patch select menus, and the occasional access to a mysterious
"F-bank." Anybody else have these problems?
Maybe this is why the Kawai US and Australia sites haven't offered v4.0 for
download yet.
Another Sys 4.0 question
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 10:47:40 writes:
This may be a silly question, but if I load the 4.0 version from the Japanese
site, will the text be in Japanese or English?
Thanks all
Re: Another Sys 4.0 question
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 21:05:09 writes:
Is it the 'link' bank?
Sunday, 06-Dec-98 23:51:57 writes:
I think Terry was right about the link bank. It sounds like that is causing the
problem that you are encountering. It seems like the 'link' bank is preset for use
with the ME-1 memory exansion, and so those blank presets are supposed to be
pointers to the E and F banks. I suspect this because on the supplemental disk
there are two patch banks called PowrEbnk.kaa and PowrFbnk.kaa. I was hoping for
more patches, but unfortunately these banks just contain the System 3.0 patches.
Anyways, I don't have a memory expansion unit, and I get lots of blank patches in
my link bank. If I press R2 it goes into edit mode. I can then select a patch and
then press R2 again to exit edit mode. From then on that link slot will be the one
I selected.
The problem I see with this is that I haven't found any way to save your link
banks, which sucks when you frequently change your patch presets like I do.
Download Version 4 using Internet Explorer
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 17:42:44 writes:
Format floppy on K5000
go to:
with pointer on the file you want to download
click RIGHT mouse button
select "save target as"
select "A" drive
backspace over the file name, then re-enter the file name, include caps, ie:
click on "save"
Re: Download Version 4 using Internet Explorer
Tuesday, 01-Dec-98 19:26:54 writes:
Been everywhere, tried everything, but the Caps did the trick!
More bugs than features in System 4.0 for the 'R?
Thursday, 03-Dec-98 05:15:04 writes:
1. You say that you can switch the effects on again with the L4 button? With my
K5000R, I can't. More than that - I even can't switch them off no more!
2. The LINK function? No, it's not there!
3. The spoiled my beautiful "FettFett" patch! Sniff! Now, that's a really stange
bug - above a certain note the sound gets an amplitude envelope which I did not
program (and which is ugly)!
Waiting for version 4.1 ...
Jens ( g r o h @ i r t . d e )
Re: Re: More bugs than features in System 4.0 for the 'R?
Thursday, 03-Dec-98 21:46:37 writes:
For the list of bug fixes in system 4. go to
Re: More bugs than features in System 4.0 for the 'R?
Tuesday, 08-Dec-98 12:37:30 writes:
I upgraded to 4.0, turned memory protect off and did a bulk sysex dump to restore
all of my patches in Banks A and D. I did a "backup" and turned off the machine.
The next day, Bank A was back to the system 4.0 defaults while Bank D
was fine. I tried this several times to confirm...Backup would not save Bank A
patches. Grrr.
Thursday, 03-Dec-98 10:43:35 writes:
I tried everything to intall o.s4 on my K5000S...
nothing works:(
what should I do?
I have a Mac 8500
help please
Thursday, 03-Dec-98 21:05:58 writes:
The key seems to be to make sure the filename is in ALL-CAPS, even if you have to
edit it to appear that way. Otherwise, a dos-mode disk transfer is all there
should be to it.
Hope that helps.
Friday, 04-Dec-98 10:35:54 writes:
Look at my message further down the page.
Do a find for "Pablo".
Hope you didn't spend too much time trying to open that DOS window :)
os 4.0 problem
Saturday, 05-Dec-98 01:22:59 writes:
New problem here. I am having the err08h problem. I can resolve this by
downloading the 4.0 zip file from the K5000S
from But when it loads it
is for the K5000R and I have a K5000S. Therefore, it doesn't work.
Whads up wid dat? The Japanese site download doesn't do me any good if I copy it
direct to floppy or zip it up and then copy to floppy.
Re: os 4.0 problem
Saturday, 05-Dec-98 20:51:37 writes:
I think the way we have found that works is as follows:
1. Format a floppy using the K5000 (not your PC)
2. Download the system from Kawai Japan directly to your floppy disk.
3. Load it in your K5K.
It works fine in my K5KS. Is there a reason why you can't download direct to disk?
Maybe we can figure something else out. Someone mentioned that it might work if
you rename the file to the same name in ALL CAPS. Might give that a shot.
Re: os 4.0 problem
Saturday, 05-Dec-98 22:28:32 writes:
I was able to get to work when I restarted in DOS mode.
Beware of the Wizoo sites k5000s 4.0 update download because it is for the k5000r.
Please Repost Mac Instructions
Monday, 21-Dec-98 01:12:34 writes:
Can someone please repost EXACTLY the steps involved in getting the K5000 OS from
a web site into the K5000 on a Mac.
Can you use stuff-it Deluxe to open the file? Do you use Zipit? Do you have to
expand the file directly to the disk? How do I copy my System 3.0 Disk?
I have Stuff-it Deluxe and Shinkwrap. Can someone help? Thanks
Re: Please Repost Mac Instructions
Tuesday, 22-Dec-98 14:20:07 writes:
Do you know how to use the DOS disk-drive emulator on your Mac? (Some early Macs,
like the Plus, don't have this feature, but all new ones do.)
If so, format a high-density disk on your K5000. The OS at the Japanese Kawai site
doesn't need unzipping, but the Wizoo site's do (did they fix the K5K-S download?)
Download it as a Binary (not Macbinary) file. Once you get it, simply transfer it
to the diskette you formatted however you need to, but make sure the filename is in
all capital letters.
Place that disk in your K5K, switch it on while holding down the F2 button, and
away you go.