The Eat at Joe's Kawai K5000 Message Board Digest
The Macro Control Box
System 3.01
Monday, 05-Jan-98 14:55:29
Message: writes:
Does anybody know whats different in the new System 3.01
Re: System 3.01
Tuesday, 06-Jan-98 17:08:07 writes:
Just got off the phone with Kawai US and 3.01 supports "the Knob Box" for the
K5000R and S(?)
Re: Re: System 3.01
Wednesday, 07-Jan-98 05:12:22 writes:
No, 3.01 is just for the K5000W. The S and R versions support the "knob box" anyhow.
Jens Groh
Re: System 3.01
Wednesday, 07-Jan-98 18:31:23 writes:
der einzige Unterschied zur Version 3.0 ist die Tatsache, dass bei
Benutzung der Macro Control Box die Fader im Display nicht mehr in Echtzeit
mitbewegt werden, da bei gleichzeitiger Verwendung des Arpeggiators Timing
Probleme auftraten.
So don't worry, be additive!
Re: Re: System 3.01
Thursday, 08-Jan-98 03:04:30 writes:
Hey, this may interest non-German-speaking users, too! Allow me to translate,
even if my English is not the best:
"The only difference to version 3.0 is the fact that the displayed faders don't
move in real-time when you use the Macro Control Box because of timing
problems that ocurred when you used the arpeggiator simultanously."
Jens Groh
macro control box with sequencer.
Sunday, 18-Jan-98 03:01:59 writes:
Hi Everybody,
I just ordered the macro-control box for my K5000R, but i'm not sure if it could
be used in combination with a PC-based sequencer to record knob changes.
If you put the box between PC midi-out and K5K midi-in, will the knob controls
be echoed by the K5K to the midi-out? If not, the only way would probably
be inserting the box between the midi-out of the K5K and midi-in of the PC and
set the sequencer to soft-through ....
I'm using 3 generators (nord, s2000 and K5K) on sepparate midi ports.
Groet, succes, Bart.
Bart van der Worp,
Macro Control Box - setup and alternatives
Monday, 26-Jan-98 12:32:29 writes:
Hi all,
I'm trying to plan out what my live setup will
be like, and how the MCB will fit in...
Starting with the setup: Seqr -> K5000R, would I place the MCB before the seqr,
and go Thru the seqr to the K5000R, or would I place the MCB between
the seqr and synth? What channel(s) would the MCB be broadcasting on, and how
would the K5000R be set to receive?
If I'm using a multi patch on the 5000R, can I send the MCB signals to a
specific channel so that it only tweaks one of the possibly four single patches?
Also, has anyone tried using a Peavey PC-1600 midi slider-box in place of the
MCB? I prefer sliders to knobs cause I'm faster on them...
Anyone with a story or comments along these lines?
Re: Macro Control Box - setup and alternatives
Monday, 26-Jan-98 14:55:52 writes:
The knob box transmits on one channel at a time, selectable from the front.
There are a lot of ways to cable it up. It has a Midi In and Out; any signal at
the In port is passed through to the Out port along with the controller signals. It
would probably be good between the sequencer and the synth for performance. I
have it feeding into the sequencer, so the sequencer can echo it to any unit.
Re: Re: Macro Control Box - setup and alternatives
Wednesday, 28-Jan-98 01:27:42 writes:
If you put the box between the sequencer and K5K, would the K5K echo the macro
tweaks to it's out to allow for recording of them in the sequencer?
Re: Re: Re: Macro Control Box - setup and alternatives
Wednesday, 28-Jan-98 13:54:57 writes:
Don't know--that's why I do it the other way.