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The Eat at Joe's Kawai K5000 Message Board Digest
Emptying the K5000 Memory


How do I empty the memory??
 Friday, 17-Jul-98 20:36:52 writes:

      Hi, all!

      How do I empty the memory on a K5000S, so that I don't get 'memory full' errors
      from SoundDiver? Has anybody else had this problem who figured out
      what's going on? Even if I initialize all the banks, this still happens, yet I can
      load patches off disk without a hitch! I'm not talking about having tons of patches
      already taking up my A and D banks -- I just want to get fifty good sounds into
      this thing!



Re: How do I empty the memory??
 Saturday, 18-Jul-98 11:46:10 writes:

      Try this:


      This should delete this patch.
      Initializing the patch must only clear the waveform settings but doesn't recover
      the memory space already allocated. 



Re: Re: How do I empty the memory??
 Saturday, 18-Jul-98 11:50:10 writes:

      > Initializing the patch must only clear the waveform settings but doesn't
      recover the memory space already allocated. 

      Yep--initializing a patch with three ADD's gives you a patch with three initialized
      ADD's: no memory saved. Try "Write" then "Delete" from the front panel. 

